Major Gameplay Improvement Update

SInce the release of our first version, we kept busy at improving our game. Those are the main changes:

New input handling

To make the player more aware of the use of explosions as the control element, each explosion now has an (at least minor) effect on the movement of the player's spaceship.

Size adjustments

We have adjusted the size of the player and various colliders to provide a better playing experience.

Changed Momentum functionality

To make the momentum phase easier to understand and even more rewarding, we have changed the UI and the way you lose momentum. While the momentum was initially reduced by collisions with obstacles, the decrease is now based on a timer. This can even be extended slightly by destroying obstacles during the momentum.

Health Restore Power-up

We have added a second power-up that allows you to restore life and thus extend your run.

Performance optimisation

To improve performance, we have for instance implemented object pooling, created sprite sheets and switched shaders.

Several bug fixes!


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